Rocket Gerbil
Commentary: On
December 9, 2012 ~ 5 Comments

I could say that this is the apex of gerbil photography, but if you’ve been following James Rice’s many Speedy updates in these reruns, you know that’s not true. Still, a gerbil strapped to a rocket is pretty boss.
I’m just waiting for “Speedy on the ISS” pictures.
What gets me is that Speedy just looks so smug in that last picture. Really, who can blame him?
Oh, gerbils. I had a whole big Speedy report I was going to do for this Sunday, but got all tied up at work and yesterday and hadn’t gotten it sent to Shaenon. Maybe She can post it next sunday.
I need to get a gerbil to space. Then I can claim the titled of Most Awesome Gerbil from Speedy! Until he gets to orbit anyway…
I’d write a filk about Speedy set to a certain Elton John song, but somehow “Rocket Mouse” doesn’t sound quite right, nyao…