Results of the Third Anniversary Gratuitously Obscure Reference Contest
February 7, 2010 ~ 6 Comments

This installment is, by its nature, self-explanatory. Let’s move on to this new weird thing! Davide Roman created a Narbonic gerbil Transformer. No, really, check this out:
Davide writes, “The base figure is a Japanese Beast Wars ‘Stampy’ which turned into a rabbit. I clipped the ears and replaced them with some kneadatite (green stuff), and also used the kneadatite to create a tail. The tuft of the tail is the hair from an otherwise missing toy of ‘Bass’ from the Megaman games, and has a simple vinyl joint that allows it to be repositioned or removed as is needed. The whole thing was base-coated and then drybrushed in numerous colors of Testors brand model paint, including some wonderfully shiny copper bits. I only wish my webcam was of a better quality, or I could get some detailed macro views….
“If I did this again (and you can see that I do have another Stampy to work with, i used the box as a platform), I’d probably do a better job on the ears, and perhaps shorten the tail. That said, I’m happy with it, and I hope you all like it!”
As it is, I’m very impressed. Thanks, Davide!
(TUNE: “Walking On Sunshine”, Katrina and The Waves)
I started out life as a “Stampy”, a rabbit so plain …
But now I’ve been changed to a gerbil, and here I’ll remain!
My ears and my tail have been built up with green kneadatite!
Re-sculpted, re-shaped and re-painted, I’m feeling all right!
A gerbil transformer, oh yeah!
A gerbil transformer, oh yeah!
A gerbil transformer, oh yeah!
Ro-bot in disguise!
It’s nice to see the old 1/0 gang again, and sweet of you to intervene, but this still seems like a disservice. The entire point of 1/0’s ending was to try and give the characters an unbounded, independent existence, since having a cartoonist be present to watch is only a stopgap solution.
The only kind of permanent existence for a cartoon character is an implied existence, the kind that happens between the panels or when the camera’s somewhere else, because they can’t not run out of concrete existence. All comics end. (I expect characters could try to have the strip’s production automated, or go on the lam and jump from comic to comic.) 1/0 did what it could by kicking the cast out of the comic and into the implied, where they would not be afflicted by the absolute end of the concrete. Going and looking is nice, but kind of brings cast back to Square One.
Geez, the troubles of self-aware fiction. My first attempt tried to attack me.
Oh well: the strip pointed out that a character is information, and can exist in multiple places, so a new instance can’t harm the whole and may do some good. It’d still upset Manny. Many things do.
What things /don’t/? Anyway, I figure they’re just dropping in – can’t they be allowed to check up on their old friends the readers? 😛
Oh my god, a Cybertronian Artie! Okay, now I have to get off my ass and do that Beast Wars K-9 to Sweetheart kitbash I’ve been thinking of.
12 galaxies guiltied TO a zegnatronic rocket society! Tsk.