Gerbils of the Caribbean: The Art of James Rice, Orin J, Dirk Tiede, and Bill Mudron
Commentary: On
February 14, 2010 ~ 9 Comments

Man, I got some awesome art for Narbonic back in the day. Bill Mudron gave me the original art for this piece, and I had it hanging over my desk until yesterday, when Andrew packed it away for our impending move to Berkeley.
I know I keep saying this, but Dirk’s version of Dave is hot.
A Tomy Tutor? That was Dave’s entrance to the world of bytes – his psychopomp into comp. sci?
Leon, you are hereby the greatest. That’s all.
Personally, I had a Sinclair ZX80, that I programmed to play the opening of Bach’s “Tocatta and Fugue in D minor”.
(TUNE: “Love Me Tender”, Elvis Presley)
Tomy Tutor in its box,
Floppy in its sleeve …
Home computer really rocks!
I could not believe
All the stuff that it could do
In nineteen-eighty-three!
Tomy Tutor, I love you …
Always stay with me!
Hmm. Should the Silent Penultimate Panel count be incremented?
And in Bill Mudron’s drawing – is Mell holding a disembodied head?
Sean: Of course she is. It’s a drawing of the Narbonic characters meeting the cast of Bill’s sadly unfinished comic “Anne Frank Conquers the Moon Nazis.”
Dave smoked?
Dave hasn’t never smoked yet! (Another month or so…)
It had never even occurred to me to question the fact that Mell’s holding a disembodied head.
I keep saying this. Dave smokes, until the end of the current storyline, when Dave will have never smoked.