A Brief Moment of Culture, Part 4
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February 22, 2009 ~ 10 Comments

As I’ve mentioned before, the illustrations for Jeffrey’s fanfic are all sort of loosely based on illustrations from the Oz books. The drawing of Artie with the yogurt is based on an illustration of Billina the hen in Ozma of Oz. I’m only bringing this up because I like Billina. Actually, all the illustrations in this set are pretty good. I learned a lot by copying John R. Neill.
It says volumes about Artie’s upbringing that his concept of humans is of large creatures with opposable thumbs and access to liquid helium. Jeffrey got this exactly right.
Most recyclers can handle one through five nowadays.
Ah, the times, they are a-changin’.Shaenon, it should come as no surprise to you that Billina is basically my favorite Oz character.
“As though that’s any sort of job for a scullion!” may be my favorite line from this whole story.
So, Jeffrey, what does Mell think a scullion is?
I don’t quite know, but I think she thinks it has the same root word as “Skull”.
The Final Jeopardy Answer ™ is “Yogurt”.
The question is, “What would Hamlet call his mother if he were played by Sylvester Stallone?”
Shaenon, may I destroy Ed? Please?
Jeffrey, the only way Billina could be more ideally your character would be if, at some point in the Oz books, she wore a little hat.
And no, you may not destroy Ed. We need the fan art.
@So It Begins Alas, our pick-up recycling still only accepts 1&2 plastics. To recycle anything else, you have to drive it to a county facility that is only open the 2nd Tuesday and 3rd Saturday of every month. I only wish I were making this up.
Um… it’s actually a mapping to plastic type, NOT to how hard it is to recycle. Also, only 1-6 are used for specific plastics, 7 being catchall for everything else. If you use the International Universal Recycling Codes (which are a superset that covers things other than plastics) rather than the SPI resin identification coding system. 17 is unused, but would most likely be a type of battery.I am forced to conclude that there are more types of plastics in the Narboniverse than in our own world (probably due to mad scientists occasionally creating useful things on accident), a number of which are common enough to get their own codes, and that Artie is simplifying for Mell’s benefit.Or, you know, it’s just funny this way.
Artie in the last picture…
Awwww! Cuuuuuuuuuuute!
(Mell’s not too bad, either!)