Twenty-Four Hour Comics Day: The Day After
Commentary: On
September 26, 2010 ~ 9 Comments

This was the first and last time Andrew and I did 24 Hour Comics Day. It was fun and kind of an interesting learning experience, but my appetite for all-nighters is easily sated. I made Andrew look really strung-out in this drawing, but it’s a pretty accurate representation of our condition by the end of the day.
Based on this post, Lea Hernandez drew the most adorable picture of me ever, which I have treasured ever since:
I actually own that Punisher nightshirt.
That makes one picture that communicates intense exhaustion, and one that’s just adowable.
You should try the 200 bad comics challenge, which is making 200 three-panel comics as quickly as you can. It sounds like I’m kidding but I’m not.
You actually have a Punisher nightshirt? HOW?!?
I’m sorry, Shaenon, but I can’t help giggling at Ms. Hernandez’s implication that your breath-fumes are visibly unpleasant after 24 straight hours of comic-drawing. (Naturally, I’m sure that condition is abnormal for you, much like spending 24 straight hours drawing comics. It’s just funny.)
You actually have a Punisher nightshirt? HOW?!?
It’s an XXL T-shirt they gave out as a promotion for one of the recent Punisher movies. It’s probably a lot more awesome than the movie was (unless the movie was “Punisher: War Zone,” which is amazing).
@andy4hire: I didn’t get the impression of unpleasant breath-fumes; rather that Shaenon’s soul was taking its leave of her mortal frame.
Shaenon, I’ve never seen your 24-hour comic, but Andrew’s was the first piece of his I ever saw, and it made me a fan. Have you posted yours anywhere?
@metalfatigue: That possibility occurred to me, too, but the vapor in question looked a little too big and diffuse and curly and smoky to be a soul. Souls usually seem to be smaller, more viscous (to the extent that a vapor can be “viscous”), and more glowy or sparkly or shimmery or otherwise lit-up when they’re depicted visually. You’re right, though–we shouldn’t rule out that possibility.
I just thought it was an especially expressive word balloon.