The Characters Recruit a New Cartoonist
November 4, 2007 ~ 3 Comments

Jess Kautz was a fellow Vassar student who ended up sending me a lot of Narbonic artwork. I met him and his mother once when they were in town for robot wrestling; they were very nice and drove me to Berkeley even though I kind of got the feeling they didn’t really want to go.
I really like the crude, woeful renditions of Helen and Dave in George Carroll’s strip.
I swear “All Your Base” jokes were still timely when this strip was written. Lame, of course, but timely.
One of the stickers on Mell’s suitcase reads “Garzapolis,” which is a private joke too complex to go into here. Andrew and I knew a guy named Garza, that’s all I can say.

I can’t blame the characters for wanting to get rid of me. I can’t even draw their heads proportional to their bodies.
Mell is wearing black version of her dress from “North of Space” with a rosary as a necklace. Judging from her surname, Kelly, Mell probably comes from an Irish Catholic background, but not a very devout one. Her dad’s, like, a hippie.
No kidding. *coughWildflowercough*
Mr. Morris’s depiction seems to heighten the insect-like characteristics of Garrity Eyebrows and round eyes. And forgive me for being so bald, but I can’t help but mentally attribute the hairstyles to a recent activation of the fire sprinklers (something that should always happen at least once in any comedy series featuring characters with giant hair).
Is it just me, or are the two pages posted in the wrong order?