The Astonishing Excursions of Helen Narbon &Co., Chapter Eighteen.

This is one of the longer installments of the Victorian story. Looking back, I can’t believe I had the time to draw this much for a Sunday feature. Even if one of the pages is just a little bathyscaphe thing flying around in sepia-toned space.

Like so.

The Victorian serial is about 40% recaps. It’s one of the reasons I’ve been reluctant to put out a print version. (The other main reason is that I’d have to sit down and draw a bunch of Victorian magazine advertisements to fill out the odd-shaped pages, and drawing old-timey stuff is time-consuming.)

As I’ve said many times before, I mostly made up the Victorian serial as I went along. This plot development seemed like a good idea at the time, plus Dr. Pim as an octopus was kind of hard to draw.

It’s a good thing Helen and Mell saved Dave’s body after all.

Dr. Pim in Dave’s body has visible eyes. SPOILERS: Yes, it’s because he’s mad. The mad=visible eyes thing only really applies to Dave, but I decided to maintain it here. Anyway, Dave is fun to draw with visible eyes.

I liked doing the curly bold fonts in the Victorian dialogue.

The Victorian versions of the characters tend to get a lot more action than the regular versions. It’s like my fanfic version of my own comic strip.

Mell, meanwhile, is consistently annoyed by all of Helen’s romances.

4 thoughts on “The Astonishing Excursions of Helen Narbon &Co., Chapter Eighteen.

  1. This is a little bit gratuitous – but concidentally appropriate given the main story arc alongside which this episode sits.

    I’m very impressed that Helen managed to catch her dislocated glasses, presumably using just her face.

  2. “It’s like my fanfic version of my own comic strip.”

    That is the best sentence I’ve read all day. 🙂

  3. More action? Well given the arrangement Pim, Helen and Dave reach at the end of the Victorian era, I’d say that’s a given

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