Spot the Non-Dave
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August 10, 2008 ~ 11 Comments

CONTEST: Spot the Non-Dave! Over the last month, I’ve received so many wonderful pictures of guys named Dave that it seems a shame not to share them with the world. So I’m holding a contest. Below are twenty-two individuals. Twenty-one are named Dave. Can you spot the interloper? Email with your guess. I’ll draw a winner at random from the correct entries. And that winner will receive… an original daily (not Sunday) Narbonic strip! Huzzah!
Another thing that seemed like a good idea at the time but now strikes me as distinctly odd. Funny, though. Most of the Dave photos were sent in by readers, of course. The alt-tag dedication is to Dave Farago, Andrew’s brother. (No, really.)
1) He definitely has the full face of a Jake.
2) A Matt, pure and simple.
3) Richard!
4) A tough read. Probably an Andrew.
5) Hmm… an Anton?
6) He has the smile and forehead of a Jason.
7) A Lenny.
8) One of the world’s few remaining Clems.
9) At that distance… I’m thinking a John.
10) Another tough read. Let’s say Monty.
11) Beneath that get-up beats the heart of a Ronald.
12) A Thomas.
13) A reserved, subdued Benjamin.
14) Either a Joel or an Evan.
15) Good old Stan.
16) Another Jake.
17) Some kind of Adam, by the looks of things.
18) At this angle? A Tobias.
19) A lesser Eric, if not a full-on William.
20) You wouldn’t suspect it, but certain telltale signs give him away as an Adrian.
21) Just another Sam.
22) Ding ding ding! Dave attained!
OK, everybody sing!
Well, it’s a non-Dave sight!
You gotta pick out which one is wrong!
Yeah it’s a non-Dave sight!
(And I’m destroying my fav’rite song.)
Just look thru all of the geeks,
And in a couple of weeks,
Then Sarge will tell … who’s … right!
Seeing Daves …
In their control they have got … us!
Being Dave …
Makes you an Il-lum-i-naaaaaat-us! Yeah!
Well, it’s a non-Dave sight!
You gotta pick out which one’s the fake!
Yeah it’s a non-Dave sight!
How much more singing, can you guys take?
Oh, yeah, it’s pointless, I know,
But it’s all part of the show,
And Sarge will tell us which one’s fake!
How much more singing can you take?
Please stop for Heaven’s sake!
Mind if we call you “Bruce” to avoid confusion?
I vote for no. 20.
I didn’t find Narbonic until way after the contest was over, but I did manage to narrow it down to two possibilities, one of whom is actually the real imposter. I was pretty pleased with my self.
10 is Dave Lennox, a heating/AC pitchman. 🙂
And here’s my fifteen minutes. What I remember most is that somebody was convinced I was a Sylvester.
My money is on 4, but that is just because he is creepy looking.
Every Dave I’ve ever knows had short dark hair. So, assuming that my experience holds true for everyone, I can choose between 1, 12, and 17, with the caveat that some of the hair (like 11’s) isn’t distinguishable. I pick 12!
#11 has short hair. He wouldn’t be enjoying that Restoration wig so much if he didn’t.
17 is a friend of mine, whom you earlier drew sans ponytail.