Narbonic Sprite Theatre
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September 21, 2008 ~ 9 Comments

As doofy as this little playlet is, I really did want to do more installments with Liz’s adorable sprite figures. For better or worse, I never got around to it. The backgrounds are ganked from “Maniac Mansion,” my all-time favorite video game and frequent Narbonic referent.
Man, it’s been way too long since I posted extra Sunday bonus stuff. How about this excellent sketch of Dana by Rhiannon McCullough? That’s the ticket!
Thanks, Rhiannon!
Hee hee hee. Those are indisputably the eyes of a mad gerbil.
Ar-tie! Ar-tie! Ar-tie!
Those sprites are really quite nice. Their vibrant colour schemes and non-standard poses make me think of Pok?mon Diamond. If I had been doing this, I’d have probably wimped out and made them all 16×32 pixels with 4 colours.
Since the Big Freakin’ ™ Gun was recycled from another strip, I’m not incrementing the official count.
Went to my granddaughter’s birthday party yesterday at the Kids’ Museum. The two-year-old seemed most fascinated by the diagram of the body’s internal organs … she was taking them all out and trying to put them back in different arrangements. Future Mad Scientist in the making!
I didn’t notice Artie in that Maniac Mansion comic. I did, however, notice that Mel is standing suspisciously close to the microwave. Should I be worried?
Rhiannon’s gerbil must have some of Mel’s DNA!
Cute! I am now longing to go away and make lots of pixelly Narbonic LiveJournal icons (but I won’t). I like the subtle Dave head-swivel. Spooky.
I’ve missed Helen’s big hair since she’s been a man.
Okay, that’s just sad – I recognized the backgrounds from Maniac Mansion.
Helen would get along just fine with the Tentacle, wouldn’t she?
The Auld Grump
Disturbingly, I had the same thought, That Guy.
I also hope that Mell isn’t carrying any gasoline…