Narbonic Cosplay
Commentary: On
April 4, 2010 ~ 7 Comments

Will you look at this? These folks went all-out. Definitely my favorite part of MileHiCon, even better than the Klingon wedding. I really enjoyed that con, by the way.
And now, because I’ve been remiss in posting new art, here’s Ed Gedeon’s Narbonic/Skin Horse epic “Were-Gerbil.” Ed did this Sunday’s Skin Horse art, too. He’s a busy guy.
Thanks, Ed!
Awww… (to both)!
I love that Ed the Were-Gerbil is chasing Shaenon, Andrew, and Channing!
You were one of my favorite MileHiCon guests, Shaenon.
M: You were one of my favorite MileHiCon organizers! I’d love for them to invite me back one of these years.
I dropped out of the committee a few years back so I no longer have any pull, but I’ll mention it to Rose. I’m much less of a convention attending nerd than I was. Now I’m much taken up with china cabinets and brewing beer.
It’s the snoopy dance in the penultimate panel that makes me the most happiest.