A Brief Moment of Culture, Part IX
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July 4, 2010 ~ 7 Comments

This installment of Jeff’s story mentions Storage Room A, violating the rule that Storage Room C is the only storage room ever mentioned in Narbonic. The detail about the doors being covered in cutesy warning signs drawn by Helen was one that I liked and tried to steal as often as possible.
Also good: the line, “Dangerous gas storage, duh.”
Not some of my better illustrations this time around. Sometimes drawing is hard.
Somehow, I’m imagining a series of rooms labelled, “Dangerous Gas Storage”, “Perilous Gas Storage”, “Mildly Annoying Gas Storage”, “Absofreakinlutely Lethal Gas Storage”, and “Why Do We Even Have This Gas Storage”.
Y’know, the “Stayin’ Alive” bit is actually pretty good. As is “I’m callin’ it ‘correction fluid’.”
There’s something so… whimsical about that thick gushing fountain of acidophilus.
That’s the beauty: Storage Room A IS Storage Room C.Someone else can figure out how it works.
Storage Room A accidentally turned into a self contained universe sometime between this point and the point when the gang got back from the island. Nobody at the lab can access it anymore, so they just use Storage Room C instead.
Minor Continuity Fail: The text mentions Mell’s “slippers whisking over the tiles”, but all of the illustrations show her barefoot.
Feet are funnier.
The doors to all storage rooms, including C, are inside room C. A Gallagheresque accident involving alcohol, Helen, and a copy of “Monsters Inc.” is suspected…