Awful Milkshakes: The Art of Allan Ecker, Mari Rose, Derek Kirk, and Jason Furness

This strip is dedicated to Allan Ecker, Mari Rose, Derek Kirk, and Jason Furness.
This strip is dedicated to Allan Ecker, Mari Rose, Derek Kirk, and Jason Furness.
This strip is dedicated to Allan Ecker, Mari Rose, Derek Kirk, and Jason Furness.
This strip is dedicated to Allan Ecker, Mari Rose, Derek Kirk, and Jason Furness.

Man, these drawings are adorable. In particular, I can’t believe Derek drew this awesome pinup for me. Derek hates drawing things! He really went above and beyond the call of duty. You can tell this is the old days because he was still just Derek Kirk rather than Derek Kirk Kim. Man, I miss these times. Sigh.

Jason Furness ended up incorporating the Narbonic characters into his strip in a lengthy crossover that may very well still be going on.

6 thoughts on “Awful Milkshakes: The Art of Allan Ecker, Mari Rose, Derek Kirk, and Jason Furness

  1. Nice. Though I should mention, when I went to, someone tried to offer me a loan.

  2. Woah! Derek Kirk Kim is the same person as Derek Kirk? (You can tell I’m a relative newcomer to these things). Weirdly, just yesterday the name “Derek Kirk” leapt out at me from the  acknowledgement page of “Box Office Poison” and I did wonder if it might be the same person.

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