A Brief Moment of Culture, Part XVII
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October 7, 2012 ~ 3 Comments

The alt-text dedication on this installment is to Polaris, a character in Jeff’s online novel Tales of the Starbuck Avenger!!!
I continue to illustrate Jeff’s fanfiction, even when it’s not about Narbonic. Here, for example, is my cover image for his epic mad-science “My Little Pony” story Contraptionology! (Most of Jeff’s stories merit at least one exclamation point.)
I can’t stop myself, somehow.
Applejack is best mad scientist.
tune: “Land of a Thousand Dances,” by Chris Kenner, recorded by him, Cannibal and the Headhunters, Wilson Pickett (the best), etc.
Well our friend Jeff is a brony
He drew a mad-science pony
Her name is Applejack now
And that’s a natural fact now
Apple Bloom’s there
Goin’ to the science fair
I said a na, na na na na, na na na na, na na na, na na na, na na na na
(Sing with me na, na na na na, na na na na, na na na, na na na, na na na na)
You know what’s funny? Last night, I ran a Champions game (superheros tabletop RPG) and introduced a mad scientist villain based off of Imogene Frog. She went mad after being blasted by chronotons from a time traveling villain from the future, merging part of her current mental self, with her current mental self. (Un)fortunately, she was attending a superhero academy that teaches one how to deal with their powers when she went mad. Luckily for the PCs (and the school) she didn’t have access to a superlab at the time, just a janitor’s closet where she spent the night making an army of My Little Ponies (all unicorns), who were all being ridden by Jake the Dog from Adventure Time (Many copies, she was running out of patience and wanted to get on with the rampaging). Needless to say, it was probably the most… interesting villain encounter that has ever happened in our group.