Results of the Boggle Contest
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December 6, 2009 ~ 4 Comments

This was a fun little contest. I liked the whole Boggle thing so much that I worked a Boggle game into the upcoming “Demons” storyline.
All the words in the last panel are Boggle answers, natch.
But where’s the complete list of 105?
Whee! Go us!!! I am now wracking my brain trying to figure out where that list might be. Was prob on my mom’s old computer. I wnder if Arno still has a copy.
I still have that coloring book, though it’s living on Shannon’s book shelf.
We had an advantage in this, in that Shan is a genetisist and Arno is a computer programmer. I like guns but only so much. Sorry.
(TUNE: “Soul Man”, Sam & Dave)
Shakin’ ’em up!
And set ’em down!
Uncover ’em,
And go to town!
In that little grid,
Just four by four,
Gotta find the words,
Then find some more!
Playin’ Boggle! Playin’ Boggle!
Playin’ Boggle! Playin’ Boggle!
(I found ’em all!)
Found “bonobo”, then found “bionic”,
“Cirrhogenic”, and “ionic”,
“Anitibiotic”, “nicotine”;
If I only knew … what they all mean!
Playin’ Boggle! Playin’ Boggle!
(Shake it Artie!)
Playin’ Boggle! Playin’ Boggle!