Art from the Cartoon Art Museum Kids’ Cartooning Class
September 9, 2007 ~ 4 Comments

Today’s Sunday feature was written and drawn by the students at the Cartoon Art Museum’s introductory cartooning class for eight-to-twelve-year-olds. Thanks to our guest artists for their work!
Child labor!
I think this was the first class Andrew and I taught for the Cartoon Art Museum. There would be many others. One week, we thought it would be fun to make the kids read Narbonic as a homework assignment, then draw a strip for it. And it was fun! For everyone but the kids.
As you can see, not all of the kids felt like drawing Narbonic characters. It’s hard to blame them.
As entertaining as it was, Andrew and I never did this exercise again, but we taught many more cartooning classes, first at the Museum, then at local libraries. We still do this from time to time.
I think my favorite strip is the invisibilty one. Ella has already learned how to do the bare minimum of artwork for an assignment. Should she choose, she’ll go far in the cartooning world. I also like the guy with the enormous bloodshot eye in Desmon’s strip.
“I think my favorite strip is the invisibilty one. Ella has already learned how to do the bare minimum of artwork for an assignment.”
That may be so, but will she ever be able to rival The Master?
Just for today – some mirrors: A, B, C, D, E, F.
I think “NE NO NE NO” is a really cute sound effect for a police car.
It would be really cool if you make high school appearances and give lectures or even teach a class for a day.