Look! Stuff to buy!

These, people, are a wonder to behold. Amazing soft-sculpture artist Elaine Moertl, who also makes the Sluggy Freelance Bun-Bun and Kiki dolls, has designed these eerily accurate stuffed gerbils. Each cuddly, hand-stitched rodent is about six inches high and has a long bendable tail. I can say with near-complete certainty that you cannot find a better plush gerbil anywhere ON EARTH.
The price is $12.00, plus $3.00 shipping. Shipping may be higher for orders outside the United States; if you'd like a gerbil and live outside the U.S., email me. You can order gerbils through PayPal, or email me and I'll arrange for you to mail me a check.
(Photos: my gerbils Dana and Artie, Kelsi with gerbil at the Mall of America, James Rice's gerbil at the Bonneville salt flats, Erik with gerbil at MileHiCon, Nancy with gerbil and gun.)
All books and booklike items can be purchased directly from me via PayPal. Don't have a PayPal account? Email me at narbonic@sbcglobal.net and I'll arrange for you to mail me a check.

This is it: the first Narbonic print collection, covering the daily strips from the beginning to Dave's funeral. Also included is a ten-page bonus story written and drawn by me and inked by Andrew Farago. $13 plus $3 shipping and handling.
You can also purchase copies of Volume 1 through Amazon.com.
Scuffed copies of Volume 1 are available at a $2.00 discount. The contents are guaranteed ginchy; it's just the cover that doesn't look perfect.