CONTEST: Spot the Non-Dave!
Over the last month, I've received so many wonderful pictures of guys named Dave that it seems a shame not to share them with the world. So I'm holding a contest. Below are twenty-two individuals. Twenty-one are named Dave. Can you spot the interloper? Email with your guess. I'll draw a winner at random from the correct entries. And that winner will receive... an original daily (not Sunday) Narbonic strip! Huzzah!
UPDATE: Several people have correctly noted that one of the below is a non-Dave performer portraying a guy named Dave. However, as he is in character as a Dave, I feel that he counts as a Dave. (By the same token, Super Dave Osborne is clearly a Dave while in his Super Dave persona, despite the fact that Dave is not his given name.) Keep looking, folks. So far, three people have sent me the correct answer.